Give me some of that ole’ time music, ole’ time mountain music that is.
April 24 through April 26, the Alabama State Council of the Arts will be hosting the sixth annual Lee County Gathering Old Time Music Festival, at Pioneer Park in Loachapoka, AL.
The festival is a three-day event with classes, demonstrations, jam sessions, and performances; Featuring hammered dulcimer, penny whistle, ukulele, mandolin, mountain dulcimer, Capella spirituals, Native American flute, storytelling and more.
Pioneer Park is operated by Lee County (Alabama) Historical Society. The park houses many great exhibits and displays, including nine structures: the Old Trade Center, the Ruth Purdy Speake Cabin, the Taylor Whatley Building, the Blacksmith Shop, Doctor McLain’s Office, the Loachapoka Gin Office, the Cook House, and a reconstruction of the Loachapoka Jail.
Pioneer Park and Lee County Historical Society (LCHS) work to preserve our mountain heritage, to tell the story of mountain life, and to provide the current generation and futures generations with a little bit of mountain life.
Lee County Historial Society
LCHS host several events throughout each month of the year, and have a museum at the park. Every month they put on the Second Saturday event, with history re-enactors in period attire to demonstrate the arts and crafts of mountain life, Pioneer Day is held each year in October, and their showcase event is the Lee County Gathering Old-time Music Festival. This old-time music festival began in 2009, as a way to celebrate and pay homage to the arrival of spring and hearing “old-time music” pour down from the Appalachian mountaintops.
So come out to the festival, tap your foot to the rhythm of old-time mountain music, enjoy good treats, and have fun.
This year’s music festival features Bing Futch, an award-winning singer/songwriter, and master dulcimer player. And Joe Collins, a national dulcimer champion. Along with many jam sessions and other performances.
You can purchase a one day ticket to the all full event for $15.00 Or if you wish to only go to the 7:00 PM concert, it is just $5.00, payable at the gate. You can attend classes, seminars and pick-up jam sessions for an additional $30.00
GotMountainLife.com and AJ will be doing FaceBook Live broadcast throughout the day on Saturday, and posting to our FaceBook page @ explore.gotmountainlife, during all the festivities.