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Sannie Mae Heirloom Foods
You’ll be sure to find all the freshest ingredients in Sandy’s foods. She gets her ingredients from farmer’s markets and local farms in her town of Benton, Tennessee. Using the freshest ingredients allows her foods to taste the best they can taste.
She loves sharing her products. To be able to share the original foods her family members grew up eating and sustaining life on is special. “My heritage is so deep and rich in the Smoky’s,” Hood said. “I love the mountains.”
Meet the Artisan
Sandy Hood
Sannie Mae’s Heirloom Foods comes from four generations. Generations of Hood’s family have lived and worked in Elkmont and Tremont, Tennessee over the years. She has recipes dating back to her great-grandmother. Growing up, they learned the importance of growing and producing their own foods.
“We gardened,” Hood said. “It was the way of life for us and I still do a lot of that today.”
Hood came across an old recipe for hot chow-chow that was in her great grandmother’s handwriting. She knew that this among others were original recipes created by her family members themselves. It was time to share these with others.
“I started giving samples out to my family and friends and they kept saying, ‘You should do this.’” In January of 2011, Hood gained her official first customer by selling her one and only product at the time, her great grandmother’s famous chow-chow.
Now, years later, the chow-chow is Hood’s best selling product.
Other famous recipes Sandy offers that you’ll want to try are:
Sannie Mae Heirloom Foods
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