by Jerry Ison | Mar 27, 2019 | Fun Things To Do, Places to see and people to meet
When people think of maple syrup, most think of New England or specifically Vermont and with good reason. For a couple hundred or more years, those areas have been producing most of the maple syrup here in the good old USA. However, there’s another state that produces...
by Jerry Ison | Mar 20, 2019 | History and Culture
Spring! Ah Spring! I love Spring. I love the word Spring. I love every little thing about Spring. To me, it is the beginning of a new, wonderful and beautiful period that is all too brief. “Spring. How I love thee, let me count the ways…” Oops, Sorry Em....
by Jerry Ison | Mar 7, 2019 | Places to see and people to meet
I gotta admit, I stole that title from a Dolly Parton song of the same name. One of my many, many favorite Dolly songs. As a matter of fact, every time I see wildflowers, I think of her. They have so much in common. They both thrive in the Mountains, are very...
by Jerry Ison | Nov 10, 2018 | Places to see and people to meet
Ready for the Big Hike Now that you are ready for the longer hikes and maybe spending a night or two, you’ll need additional gear. There’s no better way to decompress and clear your mind than spending a night recharging by lying against nature’s bosom in comparative...
by Jerry Ison | Nov 6, 2018 | Places to see and people to meet
Ready to Take a Hike? Join Us in Our Hiking Preparation Series Before Hitting the Trails! Suffering from NDD (Nature Deficit Disorder)? There’s a simple and exciting cure – Take a Hike! Yes, there is no better way to see and enjoy nature than to immerse...